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Typical Questions:
How long are meets?Most meets last around 3-4 hours, depending on the size of the event and the number of gymnasts competing. Most competitions run in a format similar to below: Warm-up – Usually 15-30 minutes long. This time is for general stretching and getting equipment settings specific to the gymnasts March In – All the gymnasts line up and march in to the gym to be presented to the audience and judges. The National Anthem is usually played. This takes about ten to fifteen minutes. Competition – The gymnasts warm-up on the events and compete. They receive scores from the judges on each event. Awards - Awards are given indiviudally for each apparatus, and all around, for each age bracket. Age brackets are set by the hosting club and will be different for each meet. The purpose is to ensure that there are age groups with sufficient numbers of athletes, and that there are no age groups where there is only a single athlete. The number of “places” awarded at each meet will also vary based on the number of athletes competing at each level. The age your gymnast competes at is usally based on the age as of Regionals, which is is mid-May. Larger meets may have team awards. In order to qualify for a team award the club must have at least three gymnasts competing at the same level. Awards usually take 30-45 minutes.
Do you offer private lessons?Yes! Private lessons are available and can be very beneficial for the gymnasts. If you are interested in private lessons please email Mirasia. Payment can be made at the front desk with credit card, or cash/check can be handed directly to the Lesson Coach.
How does my child move up to the next level?Our coaches determine the placement of athletes on our team based on their skill level. This will be done over the summer before competition season starts. The gymnasts will need to have all of the skills for the next level in order to move up. Gymnasts will be made very much aware of which skills they need to acquire in order to progress to a new level. The Greenfield YMCA aims to create healthy, confident gymnasts. One way in which we can help meet this goal is to place the gymnasts at the level where they can be most successful. This means that every gymnast must be able to perform the skills and routines required at a given level comfortably. This is not like school where there is an expectation that you will move up every year! Not everyone will change levels after each season.
Is there practice during school vacation weeks?Yes, practices are held as normally scheduled during school vacation weeks.
What should my child wear to practice?For safety, while performing on equipment, we suggest clothing that is close fitting. Leotards or bike shorts are appropriate for girls. We sell leotards and gym shorts. Cotton socks may be worn but no tights, they are slippery and unsafe. To keep legs warm, leggings with no feet may be worn. Jewelry must not be worn in the gym. Rings, hoop earrings, belts and big barrettes must not be worn. Hair must be tied up! Boys may wear T-shirt and shorts or sweat pants. Jeans or anything with snaps, zippers or clips are not appropriate clothing items as they are not safe. When glasses are worn, wear a safety strap to keep the glasses on -there is a lot of flight and rotation involved, therefore glasses should be secured.
Is there make-up practice?There is a make up practice on Saturdays from 2:30 – 4:30pm. Note that this is a shorter practice with a potential for several different levels of ability, so it will not be as effective as the regular practice time. Please email Mirasia or call the office at 413-773-3646 ex.423 if your gymnast is going to miss practice.
Is there open gym time for my child to practice on their own?Gymnasts can come during make-up practice time on Saturdays from 2:30 - 4:30 to work on skills on their own.
Where can I purchase leotards?We sell practice leotards and gym shorts at the Y. You can also find some on Amazon and other online sellers. Please note that sizing is different among brands, and even within the same brand the same size may fit differently. Your child's competition leotard and warm-ups will be ordered by the staff, and can be paid for at the front desk.
I see other gymnasts with bar grips. Should my child have them?Your coaches will talk to you and your child about the right time for them to start wearing grips, and which ones to start with. Grips can be purchased at when the time is right for them to begin wearing them.
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